We are the suffers of our own follies and mistakenly, we nurture our follies. We believe that they are the source of our bliss. But they prove to be a path of thorns. We fail to examine them consciously. Therefore, we suffer immensely. So our sufferings are the product of our ignorance. We keep our eyes crossed and that is why, we miss every moment which is divine.
Clinging to past be one of the follies, we commit. #Meditation Guru #Archna Didi tells us that that particular 'moment' when you entered into this room has past. Now that moment will never come. Living in past makes a man suffers miserably. Living in the past is nothing but a mere illusion. Since we are not ready to drop our past, we continue to live in illusion.
We do pretend to live in past but in reality we do not. Living means to live consciously and carefully. Dropping the past is not so easy. It is the most difficult thing in life. It is because; to drop the past means to drop one’s whole identity and personality. In effect, it is to drop ourselves. It is a sort of revolution because with this revolution, the door of transformation opens.
So it is quite significant. Dropping the past means to get rid of our conditionings, which is difficult and painful. But those who dare to drop it, only they manage to live. But those who do not, they live a life at the minimum. And to live at the minimum is to miss the whole thing, the whole point. It is only when we live at the optimum of our potential and existence that blossoming happens. It is only at the optimum expression of our being, that God arrives and we start feeling the presence of divine.
Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Jesus, Mohammed, Zarathushtra, they all lived at the optimum. Only a humanoid is incapable of living life to the optimum.
Each child is born pure and as such is able to feel the presence of the divine. But as the child grows up, the atmosphere around corrupts the child. So, it is very important to drop the past first and enjoy the life. This; after all is the purpose of life.